NEW ART GROUP will be curating a series of competitions at the Watchung Arts Center in Watchung New Jersey during 2009 - 2010. There are no entry fees involved. The first four shows will be about - Narrative Art - Your Reactions to the present monetary crisis - Art Tiles - Encaustic works - Alternative Photography and three other shows to be determined.
Please visit for further information.
The basics are: No fee
All works must be hand delivered. The work must hang on the wall. No work larger than 72 inches. No insurance. 30% commission. No nudity. We will ask the accepted artists to donate $35.00 or less to the Arts Center. Works accepted as slides, CD's or electronic.
AND . . .
The Monmouth Museum
New Jersey Emerging Artist Series 2009-2010
The Monmouth Museum provides a unique and exciting opportunity for artists to showcase their work with its New Jersey Emerging Artists Series.
We are planning now for our Third Annual series of six one-person exhibitions. Each exhibition will run for one month during July, August and September 2009 and April, May and June 2010. The exhibitions are open to any artist 18 or older and currently living in New Jersey, who has not been featured in a one-person exhibition in the State (this includes solo exhibitions in any public venue where work was exhibited over a period of three weeks, was publicized in the media, and was accompanied by an opening reception). Artists will be chosen by the Museum Exhibition Committee from submitted CDs. Work will be considered in all media, but the pieces must be wall-mountable, must be original creations by the artist, and produced within the last five years. Submission of work by Monmouth Museum members is free. Non-members must pay a non-refundable fee of $10 to submit CDs for consideration. Guidelines for entry and entry forms are available and may be downloaded from the Museum's website:
www.monmouthmuseum.orgSubmission deadline: March 27, 2009.
INFO: 732-747-2266